the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On the Other Sides of Life

Tuhan menciptakan banyak hal dalam keadaan berpasang-pasangan. Gelap-terang, panas-dingin, lelaki-perempuan, siang-malam, neraka-surga, dan banyak lagi lainnya yang mungkin langsung berkelebat di pikiran kita. Kemarin siang, sebuah posting yang teramat panjang di 9GAG begitu menarik perhatian saya. Postingnya memang hanya kumpulan gambar ber-caption, tapi makna yang begitu dalam membuat saya merasa kurang kalau tak di re-post untuk disebarluaskan lewat blog ini. Dan tak jauh pula dari pendahuluan saya, soal berpasangan. Dimana ada sebuah pertengkaran, keributan, kekacauan, akan selalu ada kesempatan untuk sebuah perdamaian :)

It's going to be a long article, but be patient and don't you cry after seeing the picture. But you may. Cry.

 Foto ini mengingatkan saya pada lagu 100 Years milik musisi Five For Fighting. We don't have that much time just to hold ourself and wait for better things to come. But rushing by rioting the demonstration is not the only way. How about this peace of demonstration? Are you going to throw a molotov during the play? Hope you won't.
 Riot officer (polisi anti huru-hara). Bahwa unjuk rasa dan demonstrasi ataupun apapun namanya itu, tak harus melulu dengan lempar batu, bakar ban, blokir jalan, ataupun berkonfrontasi dengan pihak keamanan. Bukankah saling menjaga akan lebih menguntungkan bagi protester juga?

 One of my favourite! Polisi juga manusia! Bisa lapar dan bisa haus! Kalau harus meladeni emosi para pengunjuk rasa dalam keadaan lapar dan haus, wah bisa-bisa emosi bertabrakan dengan emosi, tumpah darah jadinya. Nah inilah si Bapak kemudian membagi-bagikan makanan pada polisi sebagai pencair suasana! Luar biasa!

 One of the best picture! Mestinya jadi nominasi Pulitzer nih foto! Apakah itu ibunya atau bukan, kitorang semua basaudara :D

 Kalau yang ini mungkin udah sering di berita, ketika konflik Mesir, saudara Kristen melindungi saudara Muslim saat melaksanakan ibadah shalat. Luar biasa. Terlepas dari konflik yang ada, semoga kerukunan ini bisa menjadi contoh yang tepat bagi masyarakat lain, terutama di Indonesia, yang dalam satu agama saja bisa bertumpah darah.

 Angle pengambilan gambar ini....excellent! Bahkan dipisahkan oleh kawat berduri, perdamaian masih tetap bisa diusahakan!

 Sehabis berunjuk rasa, pasti ada sampah dan kotor-brongkos dimana-mana, setelah itu para pengunjuk rasa sukarela ngebersihin "hasil sisa pekerjaannya". Ga seperti di negeri ini, habis shalat Ied saja berantakannya seperti apa, apalagi pas unjuk rasa, yang sampai menggunakan kekerasan. Duh Gusti!

 Selama masih menyebut diri kita manusia, bagaimana tanggapan kalian setelah melihat foto ini?

 Well, i'm going to cry too if that's me.

 Penting untuk kita menanamkan rasa cinta damai ke anak-anak kita mulai dari mereka kecil. Jikalau mereka dibiasakan dengan kekerasan, maka rasanya hidupnya pun tak akan jauh-jauh dari situ :D

 "we are all the same, human in all are things and all are ways.."

 Dikasi air! little things from little girl that makes big different meaning :D

 "handling people is harder than handling tons of cargo full of wheat. you make one mistake, situation can change instantly". No need to use violence, its just.. peace.

 Ku Klux Klan sudah menanamkan kebencian akan ras kulit hitam sejak anak-anak. Tapi apa iya anak sekecil itu sudah paham apa itu "kebencian"?

Again, we don't need violence to handle everything, just be calm and think straight :)

 This picture sums up everything :)

Kembali pada teman-teman untuk percaya atau tidak, selalu ada jalan untuk mencapai perdamaian. Perdamaian tak dicapai dengan kekerasan, tapi dengan kesadaran dan kerendahan hati :) Wallahualam bisshawab..


Hey! It is almost MANY MANY MONTHS since i wrote my last article! So, how are you, dear bloggers, up in the end of the world?? Well, we are sorry that we never write a new article during those times, since we were involved in some programs directed by our companies. First one called school service, and the other ones is called Diksarmil (Pendidikan Dasar Militer/Basic Military Education). Now, we are involved in another program called as Benchwork, but this time we can steal some times to update this old school blog! Yihaaa!

There are many things that shocked me a lot after coming back from Diksarmil. We can't use any electronical devices, so our interactions with "the outside world" are so minimum. First one is the death of Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker, and Richard Griffith. We all know Nelson Mandela as a great father, fighter, and humanist who struggle a lot during apartheid times in South Africa. Paul Walker is one of the main actor in Fast Furious. What is Fast Furious without Paul Walker? Are we going to watch Vin Diesel with The Rock fighting each other in every sequel. Damn! The last is Richard Griffith, Mr. Dudley's role taker in Harry Potter. The sequence of It has finished but Griffith will always be remembered as Harry's uncle who loves Harry in different way :D

Indonesia is still the same. It's people are still debating over corruption cases, elections, and other unimportant things while on the other sides Sinabung, Manado, and other places are covered with flood, and maybe blood. Our television are still filled with political news and infotainment with "garbage level information". We still can not find any good entertainment there for our children. And we stuck on internet just to get more reliable sources of information. And we come to the reality that internet connection are still too expensive for Indonesian.

Oh yup! This March I'm going to be officially joined Sugar Group Companies as one of their worker. May any voice come and sound that I am going to be a lecturer, instructor, or teacher. Wherever it is, it's God choice for us, and God knows what is best for us, isn't He?

Well, that's what i saw 'til this point of time. Hope that I'm going to find a positive ones near this point :D We hope.

it's always this kind of smile that makes life...wonderful :)

The Author

My photo
God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan