the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Monday, July 30, 2012

RSUD Badung’s Social Program

Badung is one of the busiest regency in Bali. It was called the richest regency in Bali. Having to govern most of tourism place in Bali, and many things that makes it rich. If you ever read one of my post telling you a formal trip to Denpasar, you will see how big and wide the Badung Government’s office. It was good to say that Badung’s government put a big attention on this place. Hoping that there will be no hidden goals attributed to anything related to this peaceful village.

RSUD Badung, a state-owned hospital, is commemorating their tenth anniversary. Because of that, they put an annual commemoration by helding a social program called Bakti Sosial RSUD Badung, Pemeriksaan dan Pengobatan Kesehatan Gratis untuk Desa Kutuh. Dr. Agus, as the head of RSUD saying that this was held beside in a good moment, also to make village people realize how important is healthiness itself. Not to be egoistic, but there is RSUD Badung if they fell not OK, no need anymore to go to paranormal or such that. Hahayy..

2012-07-21 08.16.23

The Vice-Bupati will visit this moment and want to have the words in outside building, nature area, so the decoration needs to be moved outside just half an hour before it starts.

2012-07-21 08.16.07

Mr. Yiefmann Harahap, aka, Bang Syarief, aka, Jenderal Lango.

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Dr. Agus, The head director of RSUD Badung.

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Mr. Lencana Yasa. I noticed him really likes to take photos of any moment. A nice and kind man anyway.

2012-07-21 08.16.36

Where patient takes place to wait, and be patient.

2012-07-21 08.47.46

Guess who?

2012-07-21 08.17.21

Cellphone, erasing the words of “nothing to do while wait” since 1956.

2012-07-21 08.17.10

Kasino and Indro, while they were young.

2012-07-21 08.17.05


A Rainy Day Gonna Be a Busy Day

This way brother, we’re going to meet the Klian Banjar (is it something like the head of housing? can’t find the appropriate explanation for this one), Mr. Lencana Yasa. He is also the head of the Koperasi Sari Segara. Today, we’re going to make a simple meeting about the design for PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, in english more like playgroup, or kindy). Because of the new Banjar (housing hall) will soon be finished, the building woud be finally be owned by the PAUD. And because of this also, Mr. Lenca need us to decorate it, a liitle bit, good.

Me, Ucen, Gilang, Manda, Natal, Cici, and Saka, went to Perbekel’s office to meet Mr. Lenca. Here we talked a lot about the PAUD, and some about the Koperasi. In case that we need anything to decorate the PAUD, Mr. Lenca is ready to help us.

Today was a rainy day, it hurts to remember that I washed my underwear today. Shit happens even in a well-known village. Haha.. but thanks God it was a rainy day, for a dry-land like here, it was meaningful even to have a little rain ^_^..

2012-07-18 12.14.37

PAUD Widya Kumara, the building is temporary used as Banjar, and also as the PAUD. Since a new Banjar will be build and soon be finished, it will be fully owned by the PAUD.

2012-07-18 12.14.54

Ain’t you remember your childhood memories?

2012-07-18 12.15.01

Now you remember ^_^

2012-07-18 12.15.11

Mr. Lencana Yasa, Natal and Amanda.

2012-07-18 11.18.56

An old whitey Toyota Kijang.

Cooking Fest–All Time Low

The first mindset that we all had the about KKN is that we will visit a very not-well-conditioned village. Not-well-conditioned means that maybe there would be no electricity available, or water will be so hard to be collected, no all-day market, or unfavorable place to do personal business like taking a bath etc. It was all proven to be wrong when we finally came to Desa Kutuh. Here, electricity full for 24 hours, water drains so good (it’s not in a very good quality anyway), it has many stores and some mini-resto. To summs it all, let’s level this village, VERY GOOD.

The biggest theme that we brought to this village is The Development of Koperasi. What is Koperasi, for you who don’t know about it yet, Koperasi (comes from foreign word cooperation means to work together) is somekind of trading organization which is so usual to be found in Indonesia. Works under the principle of humanity, brotherhood, and togetherness, Koperasi is made to organize to facilitate the wealth of people who join in it.

Let’s jump to what I want to share. So Koperasi Sari Segara, the Koperasi that actually we want to develop in Kutuh, wild held a cooking demo to show us how to process the seaweed into user-end-consumption product. So this is some photos that I took during the cooking fest. And gosh….. I forgot to take the photos of the people who made the demo –____- Too focus on eating the product hahaha…

2012-07-17 09.47.24

The white seaweeds, primary ingredient, comes after the process of cleaning and boiling.

2012-07-17 10.17.41

This woman in the left were going to show us how to make crackers from the seaweeds.

2012-07-17 11.33.17

They tried to show us how to make juice from the seaweeds. I thought this was not a kind of juice that I usual see. It was more like Seaweed mixed with Milk.

2012-07-17 09.45.42

I don’t know who’s this guy. I thought he was a stove seller or something like that.

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The process of frying “Seaweeds Rempeyek”. It mixed with Teri fish, that makes it more like “Rempeyek Teri”

2012-07-17 11.35.49

No appropriate photos of Seaweeds Rempeyek available since the product goes first to our stomach ^_^

2012-07-17 11.49.42

From left to right, The Extract of Seaweeds (like Jelly Drink), The Juice, and The Rempeyek.

2012-07-17 11.45.57

Here you could see the jelly in the bottom of the glass.

2012-07-17 11.35.16

Here you could see a genie out of the bottle ^_^

2012-07-17 11.46.31

Left to right, A very-busy-actress, A funny-full-cheeks, A can-not-stop-speak, A very-kind-nurse,

A like-a-boss-sleeper, A cute-korean-fans, and A very-handful-architect, and behind them is Dhani, a very-handful-architect also.

2012-07-17 11.46.42

Well, I don’t have any explanation about this one…do you put your face on oiled friying pan Nat?

Hahaha.. kidding..

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

14 July: Interview and Field Survey

This was my initiative not to take a break from the program. So I took the chance to go once again to the Koperasi’s office and interviewed the available people there. Unfortunately, only one person is available that day. She is Bu Oka Rasmini, the shopkeeper. The other worker were taking a break that day too.

Bu Oka Rasmini is a very nice person. She is kind and somehow full of initiative. She could speak some English words and having some foreign connections. She also have followed many training and development for the seaweed product.


Bu Oka Rasmini, the shopkeeper, while being interviewed was preparing the sesajen for daily need.


Me while interviewing. Idiot as always.


A farmer harvested the seaweed from the sea. The water level is reduced naturally, helping them to make the harvesting easier.


Here, we can see how the seaweed were planted. It grows very fast and only in 45 days, it can be harvested.


Jukung full of harvested seaweed. Farmer will pick it up by using a big stick in their shoulder.


This is how.


Here you can see how the street is made, by open a crack on the cliff.


An unimportant man.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

12-13 July : Field Survey

Kutuh Village is known by people as a village who produced high quality cottonii seaweed for many years. At the time between 2003-2008 was the most succesful years for Desa Kutuh. Seaweed quality was so high it has a very high price also. But unfortunately, for the last three years, the quantity of the product was degrading. What happen actually? To answer this question we went again to the beach (the seaweed planting area), the organization of farmer, and women farmer organization.

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One view of Seaweed Planting Area, here you could see that the water level was degrading, so you can see the coral there. It makes the work of planting and harvesting easier.

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Here, Bu Made, one of the farmer there, is “sunbathing” the seaweed. Making it dry of course. The smell of the drying seaweed was so –_____- I don’t literalli like it anyway.

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A side view where you can see the “Bedeng” used by farmer to store the dried seaweed and taking a rest after work. They are not actually live there, only as a workplace.

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Here you can see “Jukung”, another form of rectangle-canoe that usually be ridden in low-water-level. Has more stability and more space for storage.

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This is just some woods that farmer used to dry the seaweed.

Bu Made is one of local people who did seaweed planting as the daily work. Not many differences as we heard from another local farmer. The problem of having a sufficient capital and the “damned” low price of dried seaweed. To start planting the seaweed she said that a farmer will need about 20-25 millions rupiah. The problem of low price of dried seaweed is that they have to accept the price from the buyer. Price was not moving in equilibrium way so that it sickening the farmer.

If we see the problem more, we will know that the quality of the seaweed is not degrading, only the quantity. It means if they can turn their luck on buyer and making a user-end product, they will have a higher return, theoretically. It has been realized by the Women Farmer’s Association where they tried to create Jelly Drink, Pudding, and Seaweed Mix Ice.

If you ever tasted Okky Jelly Drink, the jelly drink is plus minus looks like that, but still has minus point with no plus point. The pudding itself just look like Agar-agar, nothing really special to attract consumer. The Seaweed Mix Ice is the one that we cannot see since the seller said the weather was so cold so no one will buy it anyway –____-

2012-07-12 13.12.16

Her you could see the “showroom” of the Koperasi Sari Segara. It provides the daily needs of the farmer and also the production thing such as rope, net, and sack.

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Bu Oka, the shopkeeper and her son Kadek.

2012-07-12 13.25.05

The Sri Rahayu Jelly Drink

2012-07-12 13.25.16

The looks of the trademark of Sri Rahayu Jelly Drink.

2012-07-12 13.25.46

Crackers (they called it like that, no protest please)

Many things still need to be done here. Many. No holiday yet I think –____-.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

11 July : Another Trip to DPS

As a finishing point of the trip on 10 July before, another trip has to be made to deliver the props to the Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Badung. But what happens singing another bad song to us. After the props was left behind yesterday, today, again, we cannot meet the head of the dept since she had an appointment to open an art gallery. Because of this reason, the secretary and the receptionist (just called them the front office anyway) told us just go back and they will contact us if there were some minutes to be filled.

We also (Deddek actually did it) reserve the tickets for our DPL, Ibu Diah Retno Wulandaru and her family, husband and son. We got the tickets from Garuda Airlines for 1,something millions to be used in Sunday, 15 July 2012. We then copied some files to be used in KKN, some RRK, LRK, Daily Absences.

Deddek’s car need to be repaired because his father wants to use the car tomorrow, so we delivered the car to the workshop. Deddek rode the car, and I followed him by using a Scoopy motorbike. The first time I went into a big road using a motorbike. Hahaha…

And here are the photo of the food for our lunch.

2012-07-11 13.47.46

Two pieces of Lumpia Bali, Three pieces of Bakwan Bali, and a big glass of Es Daluman.

2012-07-11 14.05.37

Tipat Cantok. Made from Lontong and some vegetables sauced with peanut sauce. It was more like Pecel or Petis that we used to eat in Java.

After that we went back to Deddek’s house to have a rest since Deddek Father’s car would arrive at 6pm. There I met Deddek’s girlfriend, Siska, a medical student in Udayana University. Pretty girl, a very match couple they are hahaha… Her mother gave me a package of fried sliced beef (abon sapi). Siska also bought Deddek a big pack of Pie Susu, a very new made, and it was amazing (the taste I meant).

And here are some photos that has been published in facebook.


From left to right: (layer 1) Gilang, Syarif, Roy, Ucen, Febri, Saka, Lala, Dani, Natal, Latan.

(layer 2) Aji, Dini, Bian, Vera, Erika

(layer 3) Agus, Putro, Dalton, Cumi, and Uta.



From left to right : Deddek, Manda, Natal, Erika, Lala, Hani, Vera, Dhani, Agus, Uta, and an unknown tourist.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 July : A Formal Trip To DPS

There is nothing that comes so perfectly except God. Even in the slightest of air, there will be something unwanted. And it also comes to our KKN Kutuh. Because of a technical reason, PemKab Badung, the regency government where we will do the KKN, still not making contact with us until some days before. The reason was so simple and actually could be avoid in an easy way. The formal letter that showing our commitment and helping some helps from the PemKab, was lost.

Because of this silly thing, we need to go back to Denpasar to make a contact to the head of division of Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Badung. But, again, there is another silly thing, happens. The proposal that we need to show, was left behind in Deddek’s house in Denpasar. Damn. Cursed hole. Sonice Sapi.

So the agenda was changed. First, we went to PemKab Badung, especially Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM. Second, we went to Tiara Dewata. And third, we go to the Bank of Indonesia.

PemKab Badung. Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM

Right after finishing the morning process, taking bath and having breakfast, we went to PemKab Badung. The office of it were located like-middle-so-far away from Kutuh, and also from Deddek’s house. It took about 40 to 60 minutes to go there, depend on the traffic. And the traffic were so crowded that day. We’ll be some damned late from the schedule. We arrived there about an hour after the start of the journey from Deddek’s house.

The office of PemKab Badung was located in a very big area. But here, we will find all important department that needed to govern a city. Every aspects starts from agriculture, Sea and Fishery, Koperasi, Religion Affair, to Tourism, will easily be found here.

2012-07-10 10.09.08

This is the office of Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kab. Badung, also located in the area of Pusat Pemerintahan Kabupaten Badung.

2012-07-10 10.12.15

The inside hall of Badan Pertanahan Nasional of Kabupaten Badung. Gilang needed some helps from this department, so we visit this dept first. But the head of the division was not there at that day. So we need to wait.

2012-07-10 10.13.04

A Pura in the area. A big ones.

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Me in the corridor that connected every department in PemKab Badung’s Office. Meaning that every Department in Badung will work together to ensure the wealth of Badung’s citizen.

2012-07-10 10.17.01

One side of a building in PemKab’s Office, every building in Bali needs to be designed in Balinese theme. Lampung has been doing it lately, with “gaje” Siger.

2012-07-10 10.17.09

Failed “Abbey Road”

Tiara Dewata

Tiara Dewata was the name of a very big department store in Badung. Saka said that Tiara Dewata maybe can give us some help, either with fund, or with some other things. Not many things can be told as a story, but we ate RotiBoy before left Tiara Dewata. Rp 8.500 a bun. I paid Rp 10.000,-


Bank Indonesia – Regional Bali

Bank Indonesia has announced theirself as one of the sponsor of our KKN. It formalized it by sending us a formal letter, written there that Bank Indonesia would help funding the program and also contribute in one of the program written in the proposal, Rumah Baca, by giving us 90 exemplars of magazine and comics, all related to economics. But today, we only needed to took the magazines and the comics, the fund itself will be transferred directly to one of the cp in the letter, either Dini, or Saka.

We arrived there exactly at 14.00 WITA. The security first making a thorough examination to Deddek’s car, asking who we wants to meet and bla-bla-bla. After parking the car, we went inside to the building. It was designed like a not-important building. It is true that a deep examination were done by the security, but the design of the front office were so not-amazing. But, the inside one. Nothing special too.


2012-07-10 15.15.38

 Left side of the Bank Indonesia Reg. Bali’s building. There are two kinds of examination, first is at the gate, and second one with metal detector.

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Another left side of the building.

2012-07-10 14.08.19

Waiting room.

2012-07-10 14.15.57

In the inside of the building. We were sitted at the meeting room, and waiting for the person that will meet us. Noted that to come to the room, we need to have special permission. Ciye.

Nasi Luk-Luk

Menu for lunch today is Nasi Luk-Luk with cow meat.

2012-07-10 10.33.24

Luk-Luk Rice with Cow Meat Soup, Cow Meat and Vegetables, and Chilled The Botol.

Rp 20.000,-

2012-07-10 12.07.05

Nasi Luk-Luk’s Effect to Gilang. Unpredictable.

2012-07-10 13.20.18

Another effect of Luk-Luk. “So full that I cant stand to sleep”.

2012-07-10 12.13.47

Bukan Anggota DPR.

The Author

My photo
God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan