Business Communication: Beyond the Exam
What are the differences of analytical and informational report?
Informational report is a kind of report that only stating a condition or situation of something (but not stating, the cause and the effect of it) , like amount, quality, quantity, etc.
Analytical report is a kind of report that stating the condition and the situation of something with the reason why it is happening and what is the result of the condition, and trying to relate the condition with the factor near the condition (analyzing the condition).
There are 2 kind of approaches that analytical report use, they are:
How to deliver Bad News? What is the function of buffer? Better using indirect or direct?

Bad news are preferred to be told in indirect way. Indirect way of telling a bad news is consist of 4 elements.
Perbedaannya dengan direct way adalah pada direct way tidak menggunakan buffer, melainkan langsung ke bad news.
Direct wys
Buffer berfungsi sebagai sebuah pengantar untuk membuat penerima kabar merasakan perasaan yang positif.
CV? Chronological and Functional
CV or Curriculum Vitae is a set of an individual data referring to individual information like identity, contact, education, working experience, skill and speciality, etc that is usually needed when a person want to apply into a job or organization.
There are three kind of CV,:

A communication theory that discussing about an uncomfortable feeling toward something caused by behavior, thought, or action that is not stable, (ga konsisten), and motivate someone to take action to reduce the uncomfortable feeling itself.
"atau--> keadaan tidak nyaman akibat adanya ketidaksesuaian antara dua sikap atau lebih serta antara sikap dan tingkah laku. (Sarwono).
Effect of cognitive Dissonance--> under-pressure feeling, and the person will try to reduce and avoid from the situation who add the dissonance.
Informational report is a kind of report that only stating a condition or situation of something (but not stating, the cause and the effect of it) , like amount, quality, quantity, etc.
Analytical report is a kind of report that stating the condition and the situation of something with the reason why it is happening and what is the result of the condition, and trying to relate the condition with the factor near the condition (analyzing the condition).
There are 2 kind of approaches that analytical report use, they are:
- 2+2 = 4 approach, an approach that using commonsense for reaching or looking for the reason that is logic, or reasonable.
- Yardstick approach, an approach that analyzing a condition by using the standard of the organization. for example finance analytical, using the ROI (return on investment), NPV (Net Present Value) etc.
How to deliver Bad News? What is the function of buffer? Better using indirect or direct?

Bad news are preferred to be told in indirect way. Indirect way of telling a bad news is consist of 4 elements.
Perbedaannya dengan direct way adalah pada direct way tidak menggunakan buffer, melainkan langsung ke bad news.
Direct wys
Buffer berfungsi sebagai sebuah pengantar untuk membuat penerima kabar merasakan perasaan yang positif.
CV? Chronological and Functional
CV or Curriculum Vitae is a set of an individual data referring to individual information like identity, contact, education, working experience, skill and speciality, etc that is usually needed when a person want to apply into a job or organization.
There are three kind of CV,:
- Functional CV: Usually this CV is used by the fresh graduate, who don't have any working experiences yet. This CV penetrates more in Knowledge, Skill, and Ability of a person, to trick the lack of working experiences.
- Chronological CV: kind of CV that is used by people who already has working experience. It is more preferred by employer. The CV is dominates more on working experience and easier to be read by the reader.
- Mixed style between the functional and chronological CV.

A communication theory that discussing about an uncomfortable feeling toward something caused by behavior, thought, or action that is not stable, (ga konsisten), and motivate someone to take action to reduce the uncomfortable feeling itself.
"atau--> keadaan tidak nyaman akibat adanya ketidaksesuaian antara dua sikap atau lebih serta antara sikap dan tingkah laku. (Sarwono).
Effect of cognitive Dissonance--> under-pressure feeling, and the person will try to reduce and avoid from the situation who add the dissonance.
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