the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jogja International Street Performance

Well, this is almost too late to write about it, but, I think the value of this event will never be an old food. So let us start.


It was monday evening. I walked by foot this evening cause my bicycle was broken since last week. After passing Rektorat, I saw a crowd near the gate. There were some people there with unique costumes. Some foreign people were gathering there also to take pictures with them. I was wondering if this kind of crowd there, had a meaning with my friend’s tweet, Sekar Laras Kinanti, saying that JaKal (Jalan Kaliurang – street’s name), where the event would be held were going to be closed since morning until tomorrow.


The answer is YES. The name of the event is Jogja International Street Performance. Held by Dinas Kepariwisataan dan Kebudayaan Jogja (Tourism and Culture Dept.) to show the beautiful Jogja under the flag of Visit Jogja 2011.


There are some stages. Two are for the performers and one for the guest which I don’t know who. At this time, it’s only an opening (26 Sept). The core event would be held at 27-28 Sept at Taman Budaya Jogjakarta.


Here is the photos I captured with my Galaxy Mini.


2011-09-26 15.58.39

Well I don’t know about this one, what and where it is come from. But the only thing I remember is one of the man from this group saying “Rai Gedek”. A phrase to symbolize person who don’t have shame..


2011-09-26 15.58.50

It looks like body painting, ain’t it?


2011-09-26 15.59.19

Got backlight for this one Sad smile. Here I can see you the attention of foreign people on event like this.


2011-09-26 15.59.26

I’m longing but practicing to have a six-pack stomach like this male dancer. Really.


2011-09-26 16.12.44

See the foreign man? He’s using Sarong. Hahahah


2011-09-26 16.12.59

I’m not sure about this one, but I think it was Kubu, a place to hold fish while a fisherman do fishing fish at fish pond..

2011-09-26 16.18.05

Nini Thowok attractive dancer.. Maaaan..


2011-09-26 16.31.49

Kuda Lumping “modern ones” one of the most attractive performance. Great!

2011-09-26 16.40.57

Their performance are awesome!

2011-09-26 16.36.25

Stone accoustic contemporary or something.. Haha Funny but great!

2011-09-26 16.46.36

Oh I love this girl….

2011-09-26 17.04.13

Memet Chairul Slamet. The stone music pioneer..

2011-09-26 17.16.30


I would like to show the video too.. But later yaa…! Or you can meet me or find it on youtube. “Jogja International Street Performance”.


Thanks to Allah SWT I could see this event.

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God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan