the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prambanan, Time Ark To the Past

It was February 26th, 2012. The first time I visited one of the greatest human masterpiece. Prambanan Temple. Don’t ask me for the history, I have already forgot about that. Located in Sleman, Jogjakarta, Prambanan is the 2nd biggest temple in Indonesia. The biggest one is Borobudur, located in Magelang, Central Java. With no big talk, please enjoy some photos I took while I was there. Some more will be uploaded next time, I haven’t transferred it from my friend’s cameras. Enjoy.

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This is the biggest temple from the site, named Shiva Temple

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This photo is taken from the temple where Nandi (an animal statue, God transportation –written in the story). If you see a man captured in the photo, behind him was the top of another temple that fell to the ground and fenced by the Prambanan Tourism staff.

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Some pieces from smaller temple outside of the main area. Some that has actually been replaced by the new stone after the repairing time, and some which cannot be repaired anymore.

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Well, I was the only man when my entrepreneurship team visited Prambanan for business survey. This one taken from the left side of the main area, almost near the back side. That day was a very hot day, so we used umbrella, and cause I didn’t bring one, I rented one for Rp 5.000 til the end of the visitation.

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Taken inside of Prambanan Prehistoric Museum. Many statues collected from the main area of the temple and govt. put it there. I put my concern about this. Think, what will happen to the statue made from stone, consumed by time, and challenged by sunlight and hard rain? It needs another place that can keep it from being rotten stone.

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If you visit this temple, you will hear Gamelan sound all the time. This is where it comes from. Inside the Prehistoric Museum, there is a set of Javanese Gamelan, played by some old men and women. Yes Old Ones.

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Written in the explanation, these are made from gold. I’m not sure. I believe these are just duplicates. KW.

2012-02-26 12.12.46

This is me


When I was there, I said these to the people from the past, “please, bless Indonesia”.

They are exist. Really.

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The Author

My photo
God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

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Twitter : @putrahasan