the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Thursday, July 12, 2012

11 July : Another Trip to DPS

As a finishing point of the trip on 10 July before, another trip has to be made to deliver the props to the Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Badung. But what happens singing another bad song to us. After the props was left behind yesterday, today, again, we cannot meet the head of the dept since she had an appointment to open an art gallery. Because of this reason, the secretary and the receptionist (just called them the front office anyway) told us just go back and they will contact us if there were some minutes to be filled.

We also (Deddek actually did it) reserve the tickets for our DPL, Ibu Diah Retno Wulandaru and her family, husband and son. We got the tickets from Garuda Airlines for 1,something millions to be used in Sunday, 15 July 2012. We then copied some files to be used in KKN, some RRK, LRK, Daily Absences.

Deddek’s car need to be repaired because his father wants to use the car tomorrow, so we delivered the car to the workshop. Deddek rode the car, and I followed him by using a Scoopy motorbike. The first time I went into a big road using a motorbike. Hahaha…

And here are the photo of the food for our lunch.

2012-07-11 13.47.46

Two pieces of Lumpia Bali, Three pieces of Bakwan Bali, and a big glass of Es Daluman.

2012-07-11 14.05.37

Tipat Cantok. Made from Lontong and some vegetables sauced with peanut sauce. It was more like Pecel or Petis that we used to eat in Java.

After that we went back to Deddek’s house to have a rest since Deddek Father’s car would arrive at 6pm. There I met Deddek’s girlfriend, Siska, a medical student in Udayana University. Pretty girl, a very match couple they are hahaha… Her mother gave me a package of fried sliced beef (abon sapi). Siska also bought Deddek a big pack of Pie Susu, a very new made, and it was amazing (the taste I meant).

And here are some photos that has been published in facebook.


From left to right: (layer 1) Gilang, Syarif, Roy, Ucen, Febri, Saka, Lala, Dani, Natal, Latan.

(layer 2) Aji, Dini, Bian, Vera, Erika

(layer 3) Agus, Putro, Dalton, Cumi, and Uta.



From left to right : Deddek, Manda, Natal, Erika, Lala, Hani, Vera, Dhani, Agus, Uta, and an unknown tourist.

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The Author

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God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan