the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

14 July: Interview and Field Survey

This was my initiative not to take a break from the program. So I took the chance to go once again to the Koperasi’s office and interviewed the available people there. Unfortunately, only one person is available that day. She is Bu Oka Rasmini, the shopkeeper. The other worker were taking a break that day too.

Bu Oka Rasmini is a very nice person. She is kind and somehow full of initiative. She could speak some English words and having some foreign connections. She also have followed many training and development for the seaweed product.


Bu Oka Rasmini, the shopkeeper, while being interviewed was preparing the sesajen for daily need.


Me while interviewing. Idiot as always.


A farmer harvested the seaweed from the sea. The water level is reduced naturally, helping them to make the harvesting easier.


Here, we can see how the seaweed were planted. It grows very fast and only in 45 days, it can be harvested.


Jukung full of harvested seaweed. Farmer will pick it up by using a big stick in their shoulder.


This is how.


Here you can see how the street is made, by open a crack on the cliff.


An unimportant man.

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The Author

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God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan