the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is the difference(s)?

I was trying the suite that I am going to wear the next day. It was the event of Mr. Rangga Almahendra. He invited Julian Legazpi from KTM Europe, to have a public lecture about his company’s strategy toward Indonesian market. I planned to used the suit, but then I changed my mind. Not amistake since the only man who use suit is Mr. Almahendra himself. Jajajajajaja….


2011-09-22 21.26.00


2011-09-22 21.26.05


2011-09-22 21.26.16


2011-09-22 21.26

So, what’s the difference between these photos?



Thanks to Jayeng Syahputra for taking these photos for me.

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The Author

My photo
God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan