the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Wishes for 2011

Well, this will be the first post in 2011, and also the first post for January. Ahh, generally speaking, New Year in Indonesia is something like a holy-day. Not a holiday if it comes in the middle of the week. Or if Christmas is in the weekend, you know what i meant. A holy-day, cause everybody worship it. Maybe more than their holy-day in their religion. If it is not then, please feel free to compare it with national day or kinda like that.

The title is best wishes for 2011. So, where do we will start?

Aahh... first, AlhamduliLLAH, my gratitude to ALLAH SWT for all that ALLAH has been given to me in the last year. Only for Allah, the Greatest and the Merciful. For a great family, for happiness, for every friend and person that i met, for every meal and drink me and my family have, for every book that i could purchase, for every money in my pocket, and for everything..

Thanks to my parents, thank you for everything, Ayah, Ibu, Mas Angga dan Mbak Ria, Mbak Rima and Chika, thanks for making a great family with me.

Thanks for Ibunda Rachmiwaty and her big family, my great teachers in SMA Sugar Group, Scholars of Sugar Group Companies, Pipit Mutia Sari (for accompanying me for 4 years and maybe more) and her family and her friends too. M. Rusmadan Ass'arie, for being a great cousin. Markus Adi Bunanjar, M. Restu Setiawan, Robby Pranata, Ridwan Kurniawan, and Adik Pipit Aprilianto for being greatest room-mates!

And, thank you very much for every lecturer, staff, and friend in FEB-UGM, Ngurah Saka Semarajaya, Idel Patria, Rakhmat Otisa, Alfian Susanto, Rizky Pra Adha, Najmah Faradiba, Fariz Muzakki, Grha Ganindra G., Rani Wijayanti, Zafirra Amalia, Rahmatunnisa Safitri, Paula Sofyanita, Cornelius Toni, Aji Wahyu Nugroho, M. Roiz, Indah M. Harahap, Nafis Fairuzka, Masagung Suksmonohadi, Yoky BS, Steven Gunawan, Ghofar Ismail, Rizky Kuncoro Hadi, Leonardus,  and many more.. wish you all the best too in 2011..

Thank you for Pak Tino and Mbak Eni for every help in Jogjakarta SGC's House. Ibu and Bapak Dua Sedjoli that i don't know the name but providing lunch and dinner, Pak RT yang ngerepotin, Bu Narti Shop, Mas-mas Soto, and Ibu Jus, And many more...

So what are my wishes?

aaa... let's keep it for my secret...I'll write it in my private book. ^_^ .

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God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!
Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

FB : Muhamad Hasan Putra

Twitter : @putrahasan