the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet ~aristotle~

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Hollow Prince (Ulyaa Maharani's Work)

One day there was a king and queen who had no child. They have been married for about 10 years, but still they didn’t get a child yet. In their kingdom almost all of the people had pet. Do you know what that was? yeaah..Their pet is lion! It seems so terrible right? But there, a lion was just like a cat.
So, they decided to go to shaman.

“ I really want a child ! “ said the queen

“umm okay..Just bring your lion here tomorrow.”

Then the next day, they brought it.

“What would you do to this lion, don’t ever kill him, he is my lovely pet!”

“I won’t do that of course, pottassio corrasso dendulum brainaasso!”

In seconds the lion changed into a little baby. Then the shaman gave them some message “don’t ever let his blood flow from his nose and don’t ever let him out of your house more than 12 am o’clock! He will return back to a lion.”

They were very happy at the time; they named their child by Leonard. To obey the shaman messages they employed two strange persons, Kenta and Denise. They were always accompanied Leonard wherever he go. Till one day the prince got an invitation to attend a party of a princess from glade kingdom in a luxurious hotel.
Kenta and Denise helped him to prepare all of the things that needed to attend that party, because he really wanted he would be the perfect guy at the time. When he arrived in hotel, he fascinated to the princess, she was very beautiful. So, the prince asked her to got dance with himself. He fell in love with her and lucky him, the princess also had same felling.

When they were dancing, Leonard fell down because he stumbled by the cable of the sound system and blood flew down from his nose. Second by second the lion fur appeared but Leonard didn’t realize it.

One minutes before 12 am o’clock,

“Hey boss quickly, it is almost 12 o’clock”

Unfortunately he was late, he changed into a lion, everyone surprised because of that. Leonard got panic at the time so he just ran and went back home.

Besides that, the fur and the blood of Leonard left there.

“Please don’t sweep it first, take all of them, to be a sample, and I’ll search him.”

In the morning the princess and her soldier went out to search “the lion”. With the sample that she has, she got the lion easily. And do you know why she searched the lion?? Because in fact the princess was a lion to!! So, at the night she let her blood flew from her nose in front of Leonard, and they live together happily ever after as the lion family.

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The Author

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God gives you two ears so we can listen not only from one side. There are many perspective, point of view, and argument that can give you insights! Perhaps! Happy reading!


Muhamad Hasan Putra

Perumahan 1. Pt. GPM
Block F. 040
Bandar Mataram, Lampung Tengah

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